My Life

My life is great,
I have the best boyfriend in the world,
And I have great friends too,

For some reason I am down,
Downer then usual as well,
Which is bad, majorly bad,

I think it's because I can't see him,
The one guy I love so much
We live so far apart
What am I going to do??,

I've been having dreams,
Dreams that are really starting to scare me,
Dreams that make me feel like I'm losing Luke forever,

My life could be better,
I could see the one guy I love everyday,
I could be free from all of lifes troubles,
But and there's that big but,

How am I going to make life better??,
If all I think about is losing Luke or losing my friends,
How am I going to stay positive??
When I can't even make my life better in general,

I've always had this rule,
To stick by everyone and anyone,
Make their lives happier,
And then I can think about me,

I get so caught up with everyone elses problems,
It gets me down, I don't know how but it does,
Today I thought about leaving Luke,
I'm definitly not going to but it was there,
It wasn't the total fact that I will leave him
But the fact of would I make him happier,
Happier without him having to worry about my problems.

What can I do?? This isn't much of a poem but I really don't know what to do, i love Luke with everything I have and I can't ever lose him so what am I going to do??