I open my eyes to see the truth.

This is the coldest winter since two years ago.
I’m sitting in the windowsill of a third floor,
My face against the freezing glass,
The rain pouring hard into it,

Looking down I can see the cars, slowly making their way through the traffic,
I can see the little black dots covered with colorful circles; the citizens with their umbrellas, running away form the pouring water,
And I remember everything.

I sigh, the little cloud of warm air that leaves my lungs blurring the glass,
Blurring my sight for a while,
I don’t think I’ll ever change my mind.
I find myself now,

Free from you, finally.
But I keep asking “What if…”
What if I could turn back time?
And suddenly to my surprise,

I discover that I don’t regret anything.
I don’t regret any of my mistakes,
They only made me stronger.
I stand up and open the window, walking to the balcony.

The water pouring, soaking me wet.
But I really don’t care.
I lean against the rail,
I close my eyes and reminisce on memories,

The images spinning around in my head, too fast,
Confusing my mind;
I remember when we looked at the stars,
When we kissed or cried or laughed,

When we were perfect for each other and everyone knew that.
Couldn’t this be the greatest story ever told?
I ask myself why,
And then I see,

You caught me on your net,
You tried to trick me,
But you cannot do it anymore,
Your fake love is now resting deep inside of my heart.

And I open my eyes to see the truth:
You’re not here, never were and never will be.