The Blood Of A ***

Keep me sane, don't let me fall
Don't leave me alone, don't let me crawl
Mean the world to me but the feelings aren't returned
The flames swallowing me whole, leaving me burned
Douse me in water, then let me drown
Turn away and laugh at my frown
Hit me, kick me, beat me until I die
Walk away, leave me to live and cry
Hurt me without even knowing it
Cause me pain until my wrists, I slit
Let the crimson flow and cover the floor
Stop to look back at me, the worthless whore
Eyes open wide and realize a mistake
Step closer now, start to shake
See the red, feel that familiar churn
Sick to the stomach, have a lot to learn
That worthless whore, just wanted to be heard
Not gone yet, her vision's slightly blurred
Watch her in her final hour, don't help her though
Let her struggle to breathe, lying in her woe
Always promised to help, where did that go?
Too late now, better reap what you sow
Too late to love her back, like she wanted
Her death will leave you haunted
Did you get what you deserve?
Watching her die, letting yourself observe
Did it change you?
It didn't, you stayed true
Turn away again, leave the bloody mass
She wanted you, she got glass
Stained with the blood of a whore
One that used to adore
Every little thing you did, all the advice you gave
Now she can only cherish her little grave.