My friendly little toilet

I’m sinking
In the deep depths of the bowl of my truths
The one place I know and completely trust
Setting irony to prove its point
The course will run and I’ll forget why and when I wrote this
The truth of the matter is I don’t know the truth
I’m a born liar
Quick smile, wink and bite my lip
You’re wrapped around my finger babe
It’s not painful
The feeling is unique and sensational
Like an orgasm except the aftermath
Like a drink of water cutting through my throat
Don’t worry about me
This’ll pass; I’m truly not going insane
The twitch
Due to Vodka and cheap wine
Don’t touch me yet
Let me slip further into darkness
I’ll wake up eventually
Just let me hug my best friend once more
Let me lay next to my trustworthy acquaintance
Then I’m yours
Just a little longer