Why waste your time reading, when its not about you?

She’s crying in the rain. She’s leaning against the tree in the park. She’s remembering what you all want her to forget. She’s betraying her Mom, but she doesn’t seem to care. No wonder she’s alone. Honesty gets you no where. Something she’s learnt along the way.
Trust no one, not even your self. Befriend the enemy, demolish your friends!
She’s keeping a secret. She’s watching you at the net. She hides the jealousy well. She’s choking on her breath. She wants to let go but her heart keeps going. The black demons fly above her. Taunting her. She’s biting her lips. She’s waiting for something to happen. She's shaking in the cold.
She’s different then you. She’s waiting for the inevitable. For the bitter sweet ending. The ending chapter to this cryptic tale. She’s laughing alone. She’s talking to nobody in particular. She’s singing to the wind. She’s whispering to the moon. She’s dancing with the rain...she wants what they all have
The ability to sin in complete anger and regret
To not enjoy the pain of others

She hasn't figured out:

You never get what you want without sinning in complete happiness