Where I'm From

I am from fingers dancing
On black and white keys.
From strings and horns
creating emotion.
I am from torn jeans
And grass-stained knees.
From laughter and playing
with friends
Out on the street.
I am from adventures,
Quests to find lost treasure.
From heroes struggling to save the day,
And villains making it hard for them.
I am from potica, markie’s farkies,
Polenta, golish, and jam.
From turkey dinners, and
story filled evenings.
I am from butterflies in the stomach,
Floating, falling, and holding hands.
From a comforting embrace, and
Kisses in the rain.
I am from love.
I am from a soft pillow,
Warm blankets and being tucked in
before sleep.
From a bedtime story,
And a kiss goodnight.
I am from flying below the sky,
And swimming through memories.
I am from dreams.