What Would You Say if I Spoke

Do you know what its like
being afraid to speak
to have the words to say
and yet never tell anyone
whats happening
whats going on
beyond what you see
there lies the real me
I could describe everything to you
the ripped paper infront of me
the old couch I'm sitting on
the expression I have as I write this
the thoughts in my head
but what would you think of me
what would you say
this is something i don't think you would understand
or not of me anyway
look at all your silly misconceptions
thats not who I am
am I misguided too
can I see your soul through your eyes
or are yours veiled like mine
maybe I would ask you
but i can't
Or I wont
I'm not truly sure
in the end
the outcome is the same
I still can't speak.

(Sort of a sister poem to "Am I Lieing?" Read seprately from eachother they are not much alike but they were written about the same subject, though one more abstract then the other, they both portray my struggles with myself.