Love is Like a Dying Rose

Among the willows so gloom
My love silently awaits to bloom
Waits to see what the new day will bring
Waiting for the birds to sing
Staring into the stars and beyond
Anticipating the dawn
And with my own eyes
I'll watch the sunrise
Then from the shade
I'll watch as the day fades
In the twilight my heart will cry
But as the day ends my love will die
And once again I'll be alone and cold
Alone I'll live alone I'll die with no one to hold
My love is like a dying rose
But from death it somehow arose
Stronger than before
I couldn't possibly love more
Though my love once again walks out the door
My love returns to me like the tide to the shore
And though under the weeping willow I weep
My love for now is mine to keep
Until someone steals it and tosses it aside
Come out my sunshine my love don't you hide
Watch with me the sunset then the sunrise
Oh how I love hellos and hate goodbyes
But after all hello and goodbye is all there is to love
And all the rest well we have to dream of