Every Unanswered Prayer

People always say,
"If these walls could talk,
What would they say?"
Well my walls,
I'll tell you,
What they'd say.

They'd say:
This girl knows struggle,
She struggles each,
And every day.
She struggles to live,
The life that she,
Is forced to lead.

They'd say:
This girl knows anger,
She's yelled at everyday,
She knows exactly,
What anger is,
And she knows it,
By heart.

They'd say:
This girl knows loneliness,
She lies awake each night,
And prays for someone,
To just love her,
To just care.

They'd say:
This girl knows self-inflicted pain,
She cuts herself,
Just to feel something.
Other than loneliness.
Each night,
A new cut is added,
And another hope lost.

They'd say:
This girl knows agony,
Each night she cries,
Herself to sleep,
Even crying out,
When she's in the Land of Dreams.

They'd say:
This girl knows blame,
She's always,
Getting blamed,
For things she's never done.

They'd say:
This girl knows frustration,
She screams into her pillow,
Fighting to keep herself sane,
Fighting to not let the tears fall,
Fighting to break free,
Of this torture,
Of this life.

They'd say:
This girl knows disappointment,
She's disappointed someone,
Every single day.
It seems as if,
She knows disappointment best.

They'd say:
This girl knows unanswered prayers.
As they try,
And break down her door,
Demanding that they be let in,
As she sits,
Curled in a corner,
Her cries getting louder,
With each of their,
Drunken screams.

They'd say:
This girl knows life.
She's been kicked,
When she was down.
She been reduced to tears,
Every night of her life.
She's been the place of blame,
Of every single thing.
She's been so lonely,
Looking for someone to care.

If my walls could talk,
They'd say:
She's become the person,
Of every unanswered prayer.