
Have you ever wanted to be like someone else
Thinking your not good enough
Hating what you see in the mirror each day
Feeling like you don't belong?

Others may say hurtful things
That make you wish you weren't alive at all
Or it may not be that
Just what you think of yourself

So you may hid behind a mask
And wear a fake smile
Acting like everything is fine
While in reality it's far from that

How long do you think this charade will last
Eventually someone will see behind your lies
Whether it be your true feelings
or who you really are

You can't truly get rid of the things you hid
They will always be there,
In the back of your mind
Holding onto the truth and pain

You're just bottling it all up
Waiting for it to explode
Will you be able to deal with it
or will it be end for you?