
Days draw near
to my mothers death
i can see it in her eyes
the pain she has delt

she groans and moans
every day turning into sorrow
i cry and cry
but i doesn't seem to help

the doctor comes for his last time
telling us the bad news
mamma is suppose to die in days
that night it kept raining and raining

my tears sweeping in with the rain
it was as if the world was crying over mamma too
i look out the darkened window
it draws me near

i slowly start walking to it
in the mist i see a figure
it's glowing like a 500,000 watt batterey
then it smiles directly at me

it softly says "dont' be afraid"
"I am hear to tell good news,
your mamma is going to make it"
then as soon as she appeared she was ......gone

i run to mamma to tell her
and what i find is her laying on her bed
she cracks a smile at me and says 'yes baby i am'