Take Things For Granted

We take things,
And throw them away,
Like it’s a piece of trash,
That was good for nothing,
We help others,
And expect something in return,
When in reality,
Their happiness is enough,
We change ourselves,
Just to please others,
When we were perfect,
To begin with,
We choose,
One thing over another,
When they are both,
Equally as good,
We hate,
For small things,
That mean nothing,
Compared to the big things,
We work really hard,
To try and please them,
When in the end,
They’re just as disgusted,
We ignore,
Those who try to help,
For we are stubborn,
And arrogant,
We fight,
For meaningless things,
Breaking people apart,
Using anger and hate,
We take things for granted,
Every single day,
When we should cherish what we have,
Before it goes away.