The Truth Finally Revealed

I feel so guilty
As to how much pain I caused to you
I know you won't forgive me
But at least let me tell you the truth

I didn't do it intentionally
I did it because I cared
I didn't want you to get hurt
so I left before you found out the truth

We were so young and naive
I didn't want you to end your life because of me
You had everything before you
and a baby would be no help to you

I want to say I'm sorry
And i say this with much emotion
You never found out about the baby,
And I'm sorry to say this

Nine months with another life inside me
Was too much to bear
Nobody helped me
SO I went through it alone

I'm sorry to say,
that the child you and I had,
the one that I protected,
didn't make it through birth

It pains me
and urns lie fire
and I'm sorry to say
that i am next...