This Romeo Is Bleeding...

He loves her too much
And can't stand to loose her
With every step that she takes
Its like a knife rammed to his chest
He knows he's hurt her
And regrets it with every blood in his body
He knows he can't stop her
But knows that he loves her.
The distance grows bigger
And his heart can't stand it.
The way she smells
Her laughter and smile
It's too much for him to take
And it's killing him inside
It takes him every ounce of power he has
so as not to cry
He knows he is loosing her,
but knows he can't stop her
He hates himself for hurting her
The only thing that ever was worth shit
He fucked up his life
By kissing her best friend
He hates himself for hurting her
And hates to see her cry
What hurts more
Is that he can't stop the tears from falling
Or wipe them away
He knows he is the cause of her pain
And hates to see her this way
He wishes with everything he has
So as to not go running to her
He knows she is crying
and it's all his fault
Juliet is leaving him and never coming back
but what can one do
when he was the cause of everything?
He is dying inside,
with pain, misery, and anguish
He hates himself for this
And deep down inside,
This Romeo Is Bleeding...