Inspired by your pictures

And its not a secret
What she does. We all know.

Those brown eyes look hollow
Like something was lost and never returned.

Her body, a revolving door
Those guys don’t even stop to wait for an answer-
Just assume they’re welcome.

I am always evolving, she says.
I am always falling, she thinks.

Her eyes are droopy, and her smile is always fake.
A constant masquerade and everyone thinks
That mask is ugly and doesn‘t hid a thing.

You can’t hid something that’s bleeding so profusely
There’s a trail, pointing to the infectious source.

Her body is covered in scars,
A painful reminder of those feeling that she wished
Would just go away.

Her family stopped praying, she’s just a lost cause.
The “love of a father” was never more unappealing.

The pieces of the puzzle never fit quite right- even in the beginning.
And now she’s made so many mistakes-
She couldn’t go back now, even if she tried.

There’s nothing to fall back on,
No hope to hold, No strength to try- Not even tears to cry
If you only knew the things I’ve seen- it’s hard to believe
In what you preach, hard to listen to you teach.
All I need is a hand to reach.

Sometimes I get so selfish, so caught up in myself.
And become deaf to the breaking of the hearts all around me.

If only I had the boldness to tell you about the God I know.
The words to express where my heart has been
And who claims it now.

Someone told me today that I had the keys to unlock a lot of doors.
So I’m unlocking them.
I’m making myself available.

If I want God to use me as an instrument for his Glory,
I need to be willing to unlock the case.

There’s hope. For real.
There’s a love that is inescapable and consuming.
You have done nothing to deserve it or earn it.
And it won’t burn out and fade away.
There is nothing that you can compare this love to.
Because it’s perfect- in all directions.
Never faulting, never failing-
Never ceasing, never decreasing.
One thoughtful look to the sky,
And His heart is lavished.
You are his beloved,
And he makes all things new.