2/3= .666 the number of the beast

The New York Yankees won the World Series 23 times

The Uranium isotope used in Nuclear bombs is U235

There are exactly 23 characters, numbers and letters, on the face of all U.S. coins

The letter W is the 23rd in the alphabet and has 2 points down and 3 points up

The first Apollo landing on the moon was at 23.63 degrees east; the second was 23.42 degrees west

April 19th the date of the battle of Lexington, the holocaust at Waco, and the Oklahoma city bombing is written 4/19 by Americans and 19/4 by Europeans. Either way it adds up to 23.

Shakespeare was 46(2*23) when the King James Bible was published. Psalm 46(2*23) has it's 46th word "shake" and the 46th word back from the end is "spear".

takes 23 seconds for blood to circulate through the human body

Julius Ceasar was stabbed 23 times by the assassins

this isnt much of a poem but it was fun to do.