The Story

This is the story about a girl
who gave her heart on to a stranger
"A seducer", she says
as tears roll down her face.
He took away her soul,
and he took away her faith

He held her tight
inside his arms, so strong
she closed her eyes
"this is where i belong"
she whispers in the wind...
He doesn't listen,
he's in control
He has her body, mind and soul
She's hypnotizes, mesmerized
Dazzled by his angel eyes

He killed her softly with his guns
I can tell he's having fun...
He's a murderer after all
loving her against a wall
He maker her scream aim and fire
burning with desire
if only she knew
what she's really going through
"I'd still love him", she says
She would leave him, anywayz

And as he longs to grip her hips
with his gentle fingertips
she trips
"take me on a journey", she says
to the farthest place from here..