Life And Death

I sat on the cool roof...thinking about life,
As i did hot tears spilled down my cheeks,
Life was worthless. What was the point of it all?
Then i though, is dieing better then living?

The black eyeliner smudged down my face,
Like a zombie, no real meaning, a dead body with black eyes and white skin,
Was i dead? no i was to scared to take my own life,
I was such a depressed wreck with no life.

He made me like this, he killed my heart,
He cheated on me, i just wasn't good enough, I'll hate him for life,
My love broke my heart and now life is worthless,
Nothing matters anymore.

As i was about to pull that blade, a voice stopped me,
"DON'T" was all i heard, i looked around...was it in my head?
No it wasn't, there was Jo the boy next door
He had saved me from death itself.

"Why?" was all he said "because life isn't worth living with a broken heart"
He came to comfort me and his answer was,life is worth living if you find someone after your broken heart,
I didn't believe him, not a word,
But his arms around me made me think.

Maybe i could learn to love again, in a better life,
Begin it over with Jo,
Was this fate,
Did it all mean something?