He Broke My Heart

I want, I need, I miss, Its all about him,
I need him, I love him but he'll never feel the same as I do,
I want him, but I'll never have him,
I'll always need him in my life.

I loved him truly madly deeply in my heart,
I always have...and i always will,
He will never ever know,
And that is the way it has to stay.

I loved him and he doesn't even know it,
He turned me down with a quick no,
There was no explanation, no sorry,
He doesn't even care.

My one love doesn't like me
And I'll never be the same again!
I will never have him in my arms, so I'm better off not trying anymore

He made me like this,
He made me what i am,
A depressed, emotional wreck,with nothing, no life left,
I choose him yet he didn't see it.

Now i am bleeding, it will never stop,
I a bleeding from an everlasting wound that only he can heal.

So Jake heal and love me before it's too late

This really happened and is dedicated to the real boy that broke my heart