Hearts Commit Suicide

you never wanted me,
you played your mind games,
your unaware of the pain,
I will never forget your heart,
Your Brown/hazel eyes,
Your dorky smile that made me go weak in the knees,
Your ability to sing away my nightmares with your horid voice,
Noone will see you the way i see you,
not a dork in tin foil but a knight in shining armor,
Want to warn ur girl that what u say is deseiving,
the way ur words abandon and make hearts commit suicide,
Would you love me if you held me close?
if we wernt so far would things be different?
Do i still want to visit?
If i see you will the feelings i think i have be gone?
I miss our 4 hour talks,
I miss your voice,
But what i miss most of all is whne u sing me to sleep with just the sound of ur voice...
Havnt been sleeping...
Havnt been sober for days...

and its all because of u...