Once Upon A Time

There once was a boy that was beautiful to me,
hair like the night,eyes as clear as the sea.
Lips like carnations with their soft petal tips,
hands like leaves shaking as they ran down my hips.
A kiss like the heavens opening up at the gates,
the dead walking in calmly as their etternity awaits.
Words that could hypnotize,put me in all but a trance,
fingers that moved over my skin in a dance.
He was everything I wanted,everything I adored,
but the price for his love I could not afford.
A lifetime of sadness,and 10 months of tears,
just to have memories haunting me for the rest of my years.
A stab to the heart and a shot to my chest,
because my love for him beat out all the rest.
He thought I was stunning,he thought I was grand,
he thought I held the world within the palm of my hand.
He told me I was everything,he said I was the one,
He promised away from me was the way he'd never run.
He swore to me I was special,he confided I was his dream,
An angel within a nightmare that woke him in the night with a scream.
The truth is such a lie now,and I don't know what's left to say,
my perfect boy is gone now and he took everything away.
He left me at the alter with my roses near my heart,
He promised me the world just so he could tear it all apart.