Paris Hilton Princess

She was innocent then with her hair done in waves.
Staring off into the world with hopes of better days.
Her eyes at one time sparkled with a playful sort of shine
Forever now they're shades of grey as she whispers "don't worry I'm fine".
Beauty was her companion, now all she sees is fake,
Makeup smeared across her mirror because her reflection she can not take.
Hair tangled from twisting in her bed,she barely sleeps at night,
She cries into her pillow as she holds her memories tight.
Trying to find a single one she's back again,he's there
He's whispering words of devotion into her soft dark auburn hair.
Living in the past she's a ghost in present tense,
Her friends can't seem to help her because they haven't seen her since.
In her room is where she is she's crying out for help,
"Someone help ,make me forget, forget everything I felt".
It's sad in a way how she can not speak,
Her words are hoarse and sound so weak.
Sleeping beauty,that's all she is,
Wishing her prince hadn't taken what wasn't his.