miss you

I miss the way you used to look at me and smile and i felt like no one in this world cared about me as much as you. I miss at camp when you were beside me most of the times. Haha I miss when you would poke me and want me to go up on stage knowing how nerveous i would be. I miss when we would tell my mom we were going to sammys and courtneys and never end up talking to them. I miss our big group hugs and even the individual ones (which aren't the same now and almost bring me to tears). I miss always having something to talk about at camp whether its the hill or even leah joey and tommy (no one likes you leah) I miss waking up to you in the morning even if i had a bad day . I miss when all of you guys would rally up and start singing My Girl i now know im Your Girl :) i miss never really paying attention to anything when your around. I miss the comfort when i cried my eyes out that one night and you were right there with me the ENTIRE time. I hope im not completely scaring you off and your never gonan want to see me again or anything like that just saying how i feel
All My Love,

Take me back to the place we had our very first hug take me back to the place that I talked for no end take me back to the place where you said I love you take me back to the place when we were laughing bout my friends take me back to the place take me back to that place