
Your blood,
I can’t wash it off my hands.
It’s still there no matter how hard I rub it off.
And it’s going to be there forever…

Your scent,
It still lingers around me,
Intoxicating me.
It won’t go away.

Your face,
It’s still there, in that ghostly mirror,
No matter how many times I break it
I still see you

Your last words,
I’m still chocking on them,
No matter how many times I will myself to forget them
They will always be there in my mind, haunting me.

Your Eyes,
Your icy blue eyes, they still freeze me.
I still feel them watching me,
They’re always watching me,
Every move I make
Waiting for me to make the ultimate mistake.

But I know I can’t escape the final judgment.
You’ll be there waiting for me,
You always will.
No matter how many times I beg,
No matter how many souls I save,
You will always be there waiting for me
In hell.