
It’s been a year now
And I don’t know if I’m or okay or not today
I miss you
But I never got to know you too well

Everyone says nice things about you
But somehow, I can’t wrap my mind
Around everything I’m feeling
There’s too many emotions

It’s like I’m sad one moment
And happy the next
Because you lived for so long
And I got the privilege to know you

But I didn’t really know you all that well
I didn’t know silly things about you
I don’t have too many memories
Because you were sick for so long

But your death was still a shock
even if your health was slowly fading
And you didn't want too many people to see you
So I don't remember the last time I saw you

And your loss seems to make everyone sad
Because that’s how wonderful a person you were
And I feel bad for forgetting
that today was the day you died

It makes me sad
Because I loved you
Because you were family
And because I miss you