Eve's Kryptonite

I am so happy that the blood drips down my fingers
The tears leak through cracks but the dam's unbreakable
My wings tear

Feel the weight of his breath on my face
Wind that bites a hole gaping and used
The Lights go out

In the darkness the splinters grow teeth
Shiver alone under the weight of your goodbye
The kiss burns

This fire is only half as hot to taste
Ravish my body to lay in a pool of silence
Burn me away

No matter how high the fire goes this heart won't melt
Listen to the seconds tick away to the black
No time left

I want it all: Make the blood clot.
♠ ♠ ♠
Originally done to just throw some of my emotions onto a piece of paper this one's a bit old. I rewrote it recently as 'Eve's Kryptonite' because I feel she portrays the feeling of innocence being damaged beyond repair. This is MUCH closer to the essence of this random-stream-of-consciousness than the original ever was.