Once Upon A Never

Mirror Mirror, on the wall
We'll all shatter
Before we fall
The glass is sharp
You better not touch
One feel of hope
Will turn to dust

Your prince won't find you
He doesn't exist
No happy ending
No magical kiss
One won't help
Let alone seven
Your fairy godmother is lost
She isn't coming

A glass slipper isn't the only thing missing
Where is the prince that you should be kissing?
You have two ugly step sisters
But, they're actually kind of nice
You have a rat for a pet
Instead of little mice

The clock is ticking
It isn't talking
You better leave now
Get to walking

There is no land of make believe
Are you talking to yourself?
Because, everyone is asleep
You're dreaming of him
Though, he won't come
Your life is nothing to dwell upon

You are what you don't want to be
You want and you need
You don't look at what you truly see
You'll have to settle for reality