You'd Become Her Song

I think I'd prefer the kick in the head
Compared to this it would almost be pleasant
Can't remember the last time you asked how I was
You still don't know my name
Though you ask every time
You don't seem to wanna know me
All you wanna know is her

I sit and listen to you call her beautiful
I take home all those notes you gave her
Through me
To burn them in my fireplace and make my own
I'd write that she hates you
But still would you know my name?
I'd be fine with this little game
If it didn't hurt so bad
To know all you want to know is how she is
If her heart is still alone
And that if she wanted
You'd become her song

Its been years since I've been out with a boy
Yet I don't wanna be with someone
They never want to be with me
Just shovelling shit to get to her
Funny how this song still isn't about me
Its still about her
I hate the way she can still do this
But I could never hate her
Against all odds she is still my best friend

I sit and listen to you call her beautiful
I take home all those notes you gave her
Through me
To burn them in my fireplace and make my own
I'd write that she hates you
But still would you know my name?
I'd be fine with this little game
If it didn't hurt so bad
To know all you want to know is how she is
If her heart is still alone
And that if she wanted
You'd become her song

Its pointless to fight
She still won't see the truth behind his actions
To her my words are untrue
She says I still can't see what's behind her face
All the lies and the hurt and the tears
She is telling me now all her fears
But now I know
It doesn't hurt so bad anymore
To know she isn't all he thinks she is
But to me she's still my best friend

I sit and listen to you call her beautiful
I take home all those notes you gave her
Through me
To burn them in my fireplace and make my own
I'd write that she hates you
But still would you know my name?
I'd be fine with this little game
If it didn't hurt so bad
To know all you want to know is how she is
If her heart is still alone
And that if she wanted
You'd become her song

It doesn't hurt so bad anymore.......x3