
to him it's some kind of fun game
maybe he's just blind to my pain
can't you see?
What you're doing to me?
The thing you lost
the heart you won
the whose trying to be a friend
she wants to see your end
she laughs at your fears
she's getting better at hiding the tears
this once burning love
being smothered by hate
perhaps it's fate
maybe someone will save her
a little too late
Drink up sweetie
spin around
hit the ground
look at what you've found
a new release
another pound?
Six a day?
What do you say baby?
Thank you.
For this new kind of numb
swallow the pills
so nothing feels
fill me up
hate so full
find some meaning
the purpose you lost
the future you saw in his words.
His words that were lies.
His word he'll now deny
Take a bow
she doesn't know how
you did it
nor does she care
but she meant her words so true
every single 'i love you'