This Love is Dying

The euphoric world is fading away
becoming evanescent into the distance where
It's despairing attempts at trying to stay
Are making this life a miserable affair

You are this blissful world I fall in
But the distance that separates so grows
That whereas then we were content
Tis nothing now but despairs and sorrows

The fire in my heart has lost
It's burning bright red glow
Down to a dull shimmer, and bright it's not
It's fidelity has dimmed so low.

Love's last cries can echo through
My head but then they're gone
Where inscribed once the angels flew
And sang their cloying song

That space is empty, hallow now
Where once your head laid rest
All the memories, softly vowed
Swim away, not last or best...

You shan't understand my reasoning
The tears flow from my eyes
It's not the loneliness that I am missing
It's for the loss of your pathetic lies

Petty conversations that made no sense
Soft lips touching against my skin...

The shallows of the pool of love
Are experiencing aridity
All the waters, but there's not enough
in the general proximity

It's the way that life is swaying because
The wind is blowing so hard
The swiftness of the breath of lust
Makes sure the world is marred

So the world's in pieces and all
That I can do is watch and try
To make my tears replenish, fall
Try to make the heavens cry

But they don't weep for you...
I can't try for you...

Goodbye to the world's admiration
for my but small, inadequate efforts
For accepting my air of pessimism
For taking my blows of hurt

But I can't stay with you..
I can't cry for you...

Kiss the singing angel's lips
Lust after the lambent eyes
Watch her die in her placid bliss
All because of your perpetual lies.