.Racing hearts and Pacing minds.

These thoughts within my mind tend to make me pace..
Tends to make my heart race.
Can you see it written on my face?

The words written on my face..
For all to see..
Man.. What is wrong with me?
I feel like everything I think and feel is just worn right out there on my sleeve..
For all to see..
Man.. What is wrong with me?

My thoughts run wild..
My heart beats a million miles per hour..
Hard to gain control..
I feel myself spiraling downward..
Downward toward the ground..
While I just lie here looking all around.

Man.. What is wrong with me?
What is this madness?
Making my mind pace..
And making my heart race.
What are these words written upon my face?


[[Yes, its a sucky poem, but I tried.. I'm sorry it sucked, x[.]]