The Inescapable Demon

Shadows and sorrows of a long forgotten and broken past
His redemption and release thought had come at last
But demons never to be escaped, forever there, always
Even wishing if they were away, they come, there forever
A true means of escaping can never be found
Because once again demons will arise; powerless
Powerless to fight back; hopeless to stand any fighting chance
Nothing he can do, no one to help, no one to care
Understanding of which he thrives for, wanting to come
Understanding not coming, not showing, none to come
And in his way, a titan stands, needing to be shot down
Crumbled; a shattered world he lives in, with little light
At once, the demons and pain had been vanquished
But once again they return, laughing at him
For demons are forever inescapable
He struggles... struggles constantly...