Final Recollection

I hope it was worth it,
to not ever see me again.
To drink that night
And kick down my door
And break in to my house.
You left behind your footprint
For everyone to see
In that now splintered wood.
I put my hand on that footprint,
And when I walked in to the room
The pepper spray in the air choked me.
But they were the last things I would have of you,
Until the door was replaced,
And the pepper spray faded,
Just like you in my life,
I would never see you again.
But it was your fault,
Not mine.
You chose to do that,
And come without warning.
You chose to end your existence
in my life.
Was it worth it
To leave your daughter's last memory of you
To see you taken away,
Eyes red with pepper spray,
Hands cuffed behind your back?
You tell me,
Was it worth it dad?