Lost Memories

Do you think about me?
Wonder what I'm doing,
what you're missing out on?
Do you miss me?
Do you, did you ever love me?
You couldn't have loved me
or you wouldn't have done those things.
Those things that have kept you away
for all these years.
I think about you all the time,
I wonder what your life is like.
I miss you dad,
Even if they say you weren't a good dad,
you were to me, you were my hero,
I loved you.
I want to see you,
but I'm afraid.
Afraid that they'll get mad at me,
that it will make mom cry.
You made mom cry, dad.
And I didn't get it so I stood up for you,
but when I did understand, I hated you.
That's why I didn't care when
I was told I'd never be able to see you again.
But it caught up to me and I though about you a lot.
I realized that I miss you.
These seven years without seeing you,
knowing what you're doing,
if you have kids
and if you love them more than me.
It makes me cry
to think that you might not even acknowledge me at all,
that you might love other kids more.
You've had me longer,
but perhaps you know them more.
After all, seven years is a long time,
a lot has happened.
You wouldn't even recognize me if you met me dad.
You wouldn't recognize your own daughter.

I hope you're happy