
Don’t lie to me,
Smile to my face and talk behind my back.
I see your fake smiles and I’ve learned to give them too,
That smile you see now is fake because I really, truly hate you.
You take that knife and dig it into my back, into my heart and soul,
You mess with my mind, but you won’t anymore.
I will not let you use and walk on me,
I won’t because I know that you’re all crap to the tenth degree
And I know all would agree, because they ask me why?
Why do I deal? And my answer is as goes,
“I have no choice, bad friends are better than none, I suppose”.
So make new ones you would say, right?
If it were so easy I would be all right,
On my way I’d go with people who are better,
But everyone here is as fake as the others.
So do not lie to me, though I’ve learned to lie to you
Because you’re not my friends, just mere acquaintances
Who I’d rather not stick with forever like glue.
I want to get away and never turn back to say hello or goodbye,
I’ll leave this place and I will not cry.
No one more to hurt me, no more liars,
Our friendship now expires.
My care for you had been long gone,
I think of you and simply yawn.
You’ve lost my friendship, my respect, my trust.
You’ve used me to the end of the world’s crust.
I’m no longer down to my last straw,
No, I passed that last straw long ago,
But maybe you were busy and never saw,
Too busy talking about me to even know
That I was and am done with you
When high school is over I will make the final step far overdue,
I will finally leave and merely spit on you.