She Hates Me, I Hate Her

She hates me, I hate her
She grabs the knife, I slice her
She cries in pain, I wipe them away
She lies down slowly, I'm fading away
As her heart beats slowly and weakened, I breath the last air bit of air for her.

Soon it will be over. Soon.

She died, and so have I.
It was I.
I was that she.
And she was me.
We hated each other
And that's how it seemed to be.

Helping each other, though, to ease the pain from reality.
She hated me, I hated her.
Now that the job was done,
We don't hate each other no more.

We had died together, so we weren't alone.
Even though we went to hell for this,
Al least, at the end, we didn't hate each other anymore...