my song.

( -- ) = Verse

Always and Forever

Can't take this pain tonight. My mind is overfilling thoughts and memories of you. Your soft face looks like a thousand angels all put into one, And all of this love kills me when I say no to you. ( And all this care and love for you makes mewant to travel through tanks of sharks, jellyfish, or anything bad just for you, And when I'm feeling down I come to you and all I want is to laugh and talk with you. You make me smile.You make me smile no matter what and all the time.)Somedays i wish this will never end.....and you'll be there with me and always. I care to much to see you suffer. I care to much to see you drown in tears. and when you leave I know I'll regret no and good-bye forever.( sing verse )I'm sorry I have to say, but, this love, is not here to stay. I can't go another day seeing you burn inside. So now I must say good-bye forever..( sing verse )I cannot take this love because it's just to much to see you fall and I don't want to steal this precious heart of yours. I would hate to see you painfully drown in tears.( sing verse )I'm sorry. So sorry. Sorry. And if I had hurt you I mean no harm at all. You mean more to me than anything you can think of. I will always be yours, but soon I'll have to leave and someone eles will own my love but not my heart because you'll keep it with you always. But I hope you'll always remember that you'll always be mine. I'll always love you.....( sing verse ) ALWAYS AND FOREVER........