Her Starless Eyes

Sitting in a corner alone
At the masquerade,
People walk past her, like she's part of the opressed parade.
A clique come and spit on her,
Jeering as she stands.
She runs away in agony,
Her face in her shaking hands.

Pantomimes are pretty,
When they are fake,
And like I'd be part of one...
Just burn me at the stake.

Alone she walks down main street,
Her head hung down in shame.
No one else was with her,
She has herself to blame.
An outcast she is.
An outcast she was.
An outcast she'll ever be,
Only 'just because'.

The secret lies so far beneath
So many folds of skin,
And maybe
Malice is the only way to get in.

Black nails, hearts and hair
Always present,
But never really there.
Like masquerades they can be fun,
Just not yourself,
It's you or no one.
And lying awake,
This starless night,
She takes off her mask
And steps into the light,
She admits all her sins,
She's a martyr you see
And is put to death,
Finally set free.