The Rollercoaster That Is Life

In the morning, everythings dull and unclear,
even the slightest movement can make you shiver in fear.
You know a big day awaits you,
feelings of eagerness and anxiety overwhelm your mind.

What will the day bring to your life?
What decisions will you have to make?
Every decision comes with a consequence,
The pressure of deciding is enough to make you faint.

Teenage life is like a rollercoaster,
With so many changes occurring in such little time.
Our social and love life are significantly growing,
it can bring the greatest happiness, and the greatest sadness.

One day you feel on top of the world,
The next you might feel shattered.
For life is like a rollercoaster,
And with happiness, can come sadness.

The trick to living a happy life,
Is to try and make the most of it.
You will feel sad here and there,
But if you can be happy for the majority,
Life will seem much more clear.