in the blink of an eye.

she's scared.
terrified in fact.
she thinks she'll lose another one.
he went so fast.
in the blink of an eye.

more tears shead within that day then ever before.
years gone by.
family changing.
we're human after all.
still missing him.


in the blink of an eye. gone.
no one thought it'd be him.
shock running through hearts.
adrenilin had kicked into him.
as fast as it went in, he went out.

as fast as we came here we can go out.
she knows that.
shes terrified.
are you aware?

are you knowing of in the blink of an eye you could be gone?
god taking you at any second?
we're kids. she knows.
shes scared. we know.

the world can change in the blink of an eye.