In The Headlights

Hunters use a lot of excuses to hunt deer,
"Deer over-populate,"
"They eat the bark of new trees,"
"They cause accidents,"
"They spread disease,"
But I don't know of any species,
That influences these excuses more,
Than the human race.

We have overpopulated the Earth,
Placed roads where no animal or insect can live,
Humans cause nearly ninety seven percent of accidents,
On the roads which we have placed,
Deer cause three percent per year,
Humans spread disease like wildfire,
We even create some of them,
As for the deer eating the bark,
Who cuts all of the trees down anyways?
Just to use them to our own wasteful advantage.

What would happen to us,
If we switched places with the deer?
Think how terrible it would feel,
So next time you walk in the woods with a gun,
Just think of a human caught in the headlights..