I am empty

I’m empty.
Just like the vodka bottle on the floor,
between the legs of my broken doll.
Dried blood, splashed on the door.
I’m collapsing against the wall,
falling among the pills and shattered tears.

I’m empty.
Just like your painted eyes.
I reach out, stroking your black hair,
as dark as the future I see.
without you
no-one’s there to comfort me.

I’m empty.
Like your hands
that used to hold my heart,
which got replaced by poison filled cans.
My fingers are following the road
your eye-liner-tears made,
across your lily white cheeks.
It was just my fate, to be

My cheeks are wet,
but there is nothing left to feel,
this cannot be real.
I’m not able to deal
with the silence intertwining with my life,
now that your dead
I have nothing left
but the constant loneliness,
tugging at my heart
reminding me that
I am empty…