
I am sailing in my sorrow
On a lake of my own blood,
Nothing could have caused this
But my one and only love.

They say it will relinquish
It's hold upon my life,
But until that glorious day arrives
In my own despair I writhe.

He came to me one summer
My knight without a steed,
The joy I felt, beyond compare,
A garden with no weeds.

But not for long the sweetness stayed
And soon it was no more,
His love it turned to boredom, then
A blade began to allure.

The blade it cuts my flesh all through
Pain yet strange relief,
The blood was red, my flesh was raw,
All I could do was seethe.

I cried myself to sleep those nights
Alone with terrible thoughts,
But the sorrow just would not go away
So my wrists suffered more and more.

And now my love is no longer mine
Belongs to someone else,
But I linger in hopeless adoration
A figure of loss, a mess.

I'm sailing in my sorrow ,
On a lake of my own blood...