Untitled Love story

My friend and I were bored one night. Just sitting there listening to music and she all of the sudden got up and said, "I'm gonna use your notebook. Okay?" I nodded, "Write what?" She shrugged, "Whatever comes to me" So she sat down and wrote and this is what came to her...
It's all a true story. She didn't make it up...

I love him so much that I'm pushing them together because I love to see them happy and if my happiness is the price to pay then I'll pay it in a heartbeat. It all seems like it's all a dream, but now it is becoming more and more like reality each and every day.
First it was at church when he was texting her and the text from her said, 'kk love you too!' and he showed it to me.
Then it was in the hallway when me and her had been running together in p.e. and she said 'my legs hurt so much' and he said 'I'm sorry' and put his arm around her. I just nod to fake a smile and walk ahead of them because I couldn't stand to see one more second of that.
I guess my point is that it hurts when you have somebody in your heart, but not in your arms. :/