Dearest Mommy;

Dearest Mommy,
How could you be so oblivious?
You helped my grow up too fast;
Never learning a thing from my mistakes.

Dearest Mommy,
Your moods swing from white to black
Never gray nor shady.
I wish to get for you.

Dearest Mommy,
We both need help.
They say, bipolar mania can be genetic.
Wouldn't you hate for you baby to have it, too?

Dearest Mommy,
You loved Kellie and Julie more than me.
You had special days for them;
Never a special day for your middle child.

Dearest Mommy,
Your illness effects me.
You wonder why I have lost "my" faith.
You chose my faith for me.
You never gave me a choice.

Dearest Mommy,
You wonder why I no longer turn to you for help.
You made me get a job I don't need nor want.
Yet you don't have a stable job.

Dearest Mommy,
I do love you,
Don't forget that.
I just wished I wasn't born.