How I Decode It

I heard the song
And should have seen it all along
Listening with my own ears
My eyes full of tears

It had a certain meaning
The tears kept on streaming
The meaning people took
Came straight from the book

Yet my point of view
Was also as true
I didn't think of characters
I thought about you

Everyone is right
It's apart of Twilight
But that, I don't think about
It's about how I can't figure you out

Like when you've been rude
And how we've argued
Or when you have changed
We both became strange

You can't decode me either
When my talking becomes a failure
You always get annoyed
So your presence, I avoid

I loved you so much
I just sound cheesy and such
But our relationship was tossed
Now you're just lost

And so moving forward
I said it was about a lust
But not about Bella and Edward
The song's about us