Never Awaken

Run away from this world,
go burn in hell.
Fuck all those stories,
you've heard from others.

You're just a baby,
a fucking pussy.
You hide from your problems,
and hand them over to me.

Ignore me, scream at me,
it'll all come back to hurt you.
All those fucking lies you said,
will just hurt you more.

Take them back while you can,
when all can be forgiven.
Because soon,
you'll regret everything.

Just fucking do it,
it'll make everyone's life easier.
If you could just make it better,
you wouldn't have to deal with these things.

Just watch out,
because people are still here.
And they can still hate you,
for what you've once done.

What you do,
can change their opinions.
They can love you in a minute,
and hate you even quicker.

Fucking run from the world,
just like you always do.
Just take your things,
and get the fuck out.