In A Perfect World

In a prefect world
There would be healthy green grass and trees everywhere
Everyone would get along
And no one’s plate would be bare

Everyone would love one another
There would be no need for money
Discrimination wouldn’t be a word
And everyday would be sunny

Happiness, colour
Laughter would fill the air
Creatures on all fours
Would even get good care

But the reality is
That no one does really care
They all race around like worthless ants
Just trying to get their share

People no a days seem so blinkered
A piercing gunshot heard in the street
Oh no, that doesn’t matter
Just look down and keep moving your feet

A world of mindless zombies
Controlled by one big thing
Fighting to survive
Why will no one cry out or sing?

People rotting, dying in the gutters
While you’re watching TV wasting your life
Eating fresh food, sleeping in a warm bed
Whilst they’re struggling to even stay alive

Yeah what a perfect world
It’s the one you live in…