Just A Girl

They look at me and what do they see?
A girl with a soul that needs to be free?
A girl who cuts, a girl who cries?
The girl with the fake smile and the parents that pry.
A girl with a wall around her heart,
A girl who's blade is sharper then sharp?
A girl who smiles to to hide a tear?
Her makeup is dark but it still smears.
A girl who's gun is loaded and ready?
A girl who wishes for death by Freddy?
A little girl, an 'emo' freak?
A girl with eyes that search and seek.
A girl who's gaze is hard to Pearce,
Emotions never shown, makes her fierce.
A girl with secrets she must never tell?
They make her life a living hell.
A living mystery, makes your thoughts swirl,
But after all, shes just a girl...