My One Love

I sit here, staring into the dark and lonely empty night,
Thinking and thinking all night, all about,
Thinking all about him , the boy, the heart breaker,
He killed my heart in the worst possible way,
He looked, he searched and he reached right into my soul and pulled it out!

As the bloody tears run down my face i think about the pain,
But yet i think about him and that girl..Sara,
His new love and his new way of life! Was i just a nobody to him?
His heart is beating and alive but mine is dead and it will never start again.

People say time heals a broken heart...
that will never be true a broken heart can never be mended by time,
My heart will not heal and nothing helps,
As i see the red dripping down all i think is...
YOU ARE THE CAUSE! are the cause but you will never admit it,
I am on the floor crying and calling out your name,
But you will never hear me, you will never know anything about the real me,
You never cared so i all can do is leave you forever,
And i will never return.

You are held responsible for everything,
You will never love me and i see that now,
But it will never seem okay now you are gone,

Jo you caused this, everything i did,
I hope when you read me letter you will find everything,
You will find out you were my life and you are the reason i ended it all.